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500 results found.
  1. Reba Necklace - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    This a bead made with yellow crystals and sand beads with a brooch.
    $ 36.05
  2. Sky Necklace - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    A bead made of pure chalk turquoise blue crystals and it in five layers.
    $ 27.53
  3. Suey Necklace - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    This is a bead made it chalk crystals and chalk sand beads and has a wire walk brooch by it side.
    $ 27.31
  4. Vase Necklace - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    This is a straight bead with crystals and sand beads
    $ 17.04
  5. Coral Bead Necklace - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    Igbo plastic beads and small pearls, for tradition occasions and outfits
    $ 21.85
  6. Coral Beaded Igbo Chain - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    Igbo plastic beads and small pearls, for tradition occasions and outfits
    $ 13.11
  7. Igbo Tradional Chain - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    Igbo plastic beads and small pearls, for tradition occasions and outfits
    $ 10.92
  8. Beaded Maufla - Beads Center

    Made in : Cameroon
    Igbo plastic beads and small pearls, for tradition occasions and outfits
    $ 19.66
  9. 3Band Maasai - Loys Fabric

    Made in : Cameroon
    Beads Necklace For All Outfits Elegant And Classic Outfits
    $ 16.18
  10. Blue Maasai - Loys Fabric

    Made in : Cameroon
    Beads Necklace For All Outfits Elegant And Classic Outfits
    $ 12.95
  11. Yellow Maasai - Loys Fabric

    Made in : Cameroon
    Beads Necklace For All Outfits Elegant And Classic Outfits
    $ 12.95
  12. Orange Maasai - Loys Fabric

    Made in : Cameroon
    Beads Necklace For All Outfits Elegant And Classic Outfits
    $ 12.95
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Items 326 to 337 of 500 total
